Silent Ruminations

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Here I am, sitting at my desk in this bustling office, a place I once only dreamed of being. It’s almost surreal, you know? Thinking back to where I started, to the doubts and fears that used to keep me awake at night. I’ve come a long way from those days when everything felt like an uphill climb.

I can’t help but reflect on the journey that brought me here. It wasn’t just my own determination that got me through—it was the unwavering support of so many people along the way. My parents, of course, their belief in me was like a steady anchor in stormy seas. But then there were those unexpected encouragement from batchmates I barely knew, strangers who saw something in me that I couldn’t always see in myself.

I remember those late nights studying, the endless revisions of resumes and cover letters, the nerves before interviews. All those moments when I felt like giving up, like maybe this dream was too big for someone like me. Yet, here I am, living it.

And you know what? I want to soak in every second of it. To cherish the sound of keyboards clicking around me, the hum of colleagues brainstorming ideas, the buzz of excitement in the air. This is more than a job—it’s the culmination of years of hard work and perseverance.

I owe it to myself, and to everyone who believed in me, to savor this journey. To remember the faces and voices of those who saw potential in me when I struggled to see it myself. Because dreams aren’t just about reaching a destination; they’re about appreciating every step of the path that led you there.

So, here’s to embracing this moment, this opportunity. To feeling grateful for the winding road that brought me here, and to honoring the journey by making the most of each and every day in this dream-turned-reality.

© 2024 | Prerna |


In the quiet town of Springfield, where stories lingered like whispers in the wind, there lived a woman named Amelia. She was an artist, a dreamer, and a collector of moments. Yet, within the chambers of her heart, she harboured a secret fear – the dinosaur that haunted her dreams.

This dinosaur wasn’t a creature from a bygone era but a spectre representing Amelia’s deepest anxieties and the weight of unfulfilled dreams. It was a colossal force, always lurking at the edge of her consciousness, ready to surface whenever life took an unexpected turn.

One day, as Amelia woke up to the soft glow of dawn, she felt a peculiar sense of anticipation in the air. It was the day of the grand art exhibition she had been working towards for months. Her intricate paintings were to be unveiled to the world, each stroke a piece of her soul. But with the excitement came the familiar shadow of the dinosaur, casting doubt on her abilities and whispering fears of failure.

As she entered the gallery, adorned with her creations, the dinosaur loomed large in her mind. The room buzzed with anticipation, and the air crackled with nerves and excitement. When the moment arrived for the curtains to unveil her art, Amelia held her breath, her heart pounding like distant drums.

“When I woke up, the dinosaur was still there,” she thought, feeling the weight of her fears and doubts pressing against her chest. But as the curtains drew back, revealing the vibrant tapestry of her emotions on canvas, a wave of realisation washed over her. The dinosaur, once a symbol of dread, now morphed into a catalyst for growth.

The exhibition became a turning point in Amelia’s life. The dinosaur, her fear of inadequacy, transformed into a source of strength. The crowd’s applause echoed, drowning out the dinosaur’s whispers.

From that day forward, the dinosaur didn’t vanish but took on a different role. It became a reminder that fear when confronted, could be a stepping stone to personal triumph. Each subsequent project, though accompanied by the dinosaur’s lingering presence, became an opportunity for Amelia to prove to herself that she could conquer the shadows within.

© 2024 | Prerna |

Beyond the Boundary

As I sit down to write these words, there’s a heaviness in my heart, a collective sigh that echoes across the nation. We lost. The dreams of hoisting the World Cup trophy on our home turf slipped through our fingers, leaving a trail of disappointment. Yet, in the quiet aftermath of defeat, a peculiar beauty emerges.

Our journey through the Cricket World Cup 2023 was nothing short of spectacular. Team India, with its indomitable spirit and skill, dominated the tournament, leaving us all in awe of their prowess. The electric excitement that surged through our veins with every boundary and wicket, the pride that swelled as our team carved their way to the top—it was a glorious ride.

But life, much like cricket, doesn’t always unfold according to our scripts. The final outcome may not mirror the brilliance of our players or the unwavering support of a billion hearts. We deserved to win; we were the best, and we know it. Yet, the universe had a different plan for us on that fateful day.

In the face of this unexpected loss, let’s remember that even in defeat, there’s a unique beauty. The collective silence that blanketed the nation, the pause in a million conversations as Kohli’s wicket fell—the tide of emotion running through the hearts and minds of an entire nation is a testament to the power of cricket to unite us all.

Joy brings us together, but pain, the bitter taste of loss, brings us even closer. It’s a shared experience that binds us as a cricket-loving community. The chants of “Indiaaa India” may have momentarily dimmed, but let’s not let them fade away. Instead, let’s transform this moment into an opportunity to rally behind our beloved team.

Loss is a part of life, and it’s a part of cricket. It’s in the acceptance of defeat that we find the strength to rise again. Let’s not forget the incredible journey, the moments of brilliance, and the sheer dedication that our team showcased throughout the tournament. They deserve our unwavering love and support.

So, here’s a call to action, a plea to channel our disappointment into positive energy. Instead of dwelling on what could have been, let’s focus on what lies ahead for the Men in Blue. Our love for them should not waver with the outcome of a single match. Let’s inspire and encourage, applauding their efforts and embracing the unpredictable beauty of cricket.

May the roar of support for Team India reverberate louder than any defeat. Loss is beautiful, too, for it teaches us resilience and the importance of standing by those who bring us pride and joy.

With love and unwavering faith,
© 2023 | Prerna |

Luminary Harmonies: The Dance of Heart and Mind

Can you savor the shift in seasons
crafting anew upon your heart’s page
Can you perceive reason’s burning embers
igniting a renaissance within your artistic stage

Can you perceive the withering river’s flow
where thoughts no longer hold dominion
Can you discern the cries of a generous soul
pouring into battles long forgotten

Can you caress the psyche of a poet
eyes ablaze, piercing through thy very core
Perhaps you may try, yet thy mind cannot escape oblivion
For the heart’s domain dwells in realms galore

Heart or mind, which path shall I tread
Which sustenance shall nourish my being
facts or sentiments, which shall be fed
whence shall my spirit find eternal meaning

The mind, a wanderer, prone to roam
seeking liberation from its captive plight
Yet in its absence, the heart finds home
for the two are intertwined, casting eternal light.

© 2023 | Prerna |


As the sun begins to rise on yonder ridge
and morning dew drips down like heaven’s tranquil,
my soul is stirred with thoughts of days gone by
and a yearning for a home now far behind me.

But home, I find, is not a place merely,
for it’s a feeling that nurtures the soul.
It’s not a static thing, that stays the same,
but moves and shifts, like the breeze and the rain.

For though my home is off the beaten track,
I find that home is still something I can find.
It’s in the people that I love and cherish the most,
preserved in the endless tapestry of memories entwined.

It’s in the laughter of my kindred and constants,
and in the beauty of the world that surpasses all.
It’s in the love that flows within and between us.
and in the hope that together we can endure the storm.

So though my anguish may come and go,
as the tides of life may rise and fall,
I know that home will always be hither,
in the love and memories of my evermore.

For home is not a place or time,
but a feeling that transcends all clime,
and though it may be fickle and fluid,
it’s a constant that will never cease.

© 2023 | Prerna |

O Heart

This heart a box of memories blue
of silent prayers and a thousand elegies;
of sluggish dawns after a painful loss,
wounding our grief with yesterday.

But O heart heart heart
tattered by the brutal past
Accept what comes from silence
Let light permeate your conscience.

For those, who we have lost, may not return
But oh, there may come a moment of renaissance,
of a vision that’s beautiful and rare,
to heal the bruise I daily wear.

Oh let those crystalline moments shine
like musical notes, ascend forever
For the miles away they ventured;
we’ve still miles to go.

© 2021 | Prerna |