Silent Ruminations

Clicked by @besondersite

Here I am, sitting at my desk in this bustling office, a place I once only dreamed of being. It’s almost surreal, you know? Thinking back to where I started, to the doubts and fears that used to keep me awake at night. I’ve come a long way from those days when everything felt like an uphill climb.

I can’t help but reflect on the journey that brought me here. It wasn’t just my own determination that got me through—it was the unwavering support of so many people along the way. My parents, of course, their belief in me was like a steady anchor in stormy seas. But then there were those unexpected encouragement from batchmates I barely knew, strangers who saw something in me that I couldn’t always see in myself.

I remember those late nights studying, the endless revisions of resumes and cover letters, the nerves before interviews. All those moments when I felt like giving up, like maybe this dream was too big for someone like me. Yet, here I am, living it.

And you know what? I want to soak in every second of it. To cherish the sound of keyboards clicking around me, the hum of colleagues brainstorming ideas, the buzz of excitement in the air. This is more than a job—it’s the culmination of years of hard work and perseverance.

I owe it to myself, and to everyone who believed in me, to savor this journey. To remember the faces and voices of those who saw potential in me when I struggled to see it myself. Because dreams aren’t just about reaching a destination; they’re about appreciating every step of the path that led you there.

So, here’s to embracing this moment, this opportunity. To feeling grateful for the winding road that brought me here, and to honoring the journey by making the most of each and every day in this dream-turned-reality.

© 2024 | Prerna |


In the quiet town of Springfield, where stories lingered like whispers in the wind, there lived a woman named Amelia. She was an artist, a dreamer, and a collector of moments. Yet, within the chambers of her heart, she harboured a secret fear – the dinosaur that haunted her dreams.

This dinosaur wasn’t a creature from a bygone era but a spectre representing Amelia’s deepest anxieties and the weight of unfulfilled dreams. It was a colossal force, always lurking at the edge of her consciousness, ready to surface whenever life took an unexpected turn.

One day, as Amelia woke up to the soft glow of dawn, she felt a peculiar sense of anticipation in the air. It was the day of the grand art exhibition she had been working towards for months. Her intricate paintings were to be unveiled to the world, each stroke a piece of her soul. But with the excitement came the familiar shadow of the dinosaur, casting doubt on her abilities and whispering fears of failure.

As she entered the gallery, adorned with her creations, the dinosaur loomed large in her mind. The room buzzed with anticipation, and the air crackled with nerves and excitement. When the moment arrived for the curtains to unveil her art, Amelia held her breath, her heart pounding like distant drums.

“When I woke up, the dinosaur was still there,” she thought, feeling the weight of her fears and doubts pressing against her chest. But as the curtains drew back, revealing the vibrant tapestry of her emotions on canvas, a wave of realisation washed over her. The dinosaur, once a symbol of dread, now morphed into a catalyst for growth.

The exhibition became a turning point in Amelia’s life. The dinosaur, her fear of inadequacy, transformed into a source of strength. The crowd’s applause echoed, drowning out the dinosaur’s whispers.

From that day forward, the dinosaur didn’t vanish but took on a different role. It became a reminder that fear when confronted, could be a stepping stone to personal triumph. Each subsequent project, though accompanied by the dinosaur’s lingering presence, became an opportunity for Amelia to prove to herself that she could conquer the shadows within.

© 2024 | Prerna |


Truth is
the unfathomable song
of the unrelenting Magpie
punctuated heavily by
the commentator
sitting in
the ever-chattering mind
and listening
to its own radio

Truth is
the salty ocean breeze
which stings
open wounds
But relieves you
of the suffocating humidity
and dampness
of foggy lies.

Truth is
the airborne oil
of petrichor
yearning to
permeate the soul
but masked by
the synthetic musk
and sweet-smelling ester
of bottled lies.

Truth is
they say,
bitter like medicine
a rebel against
sugarcoated lies
wrapped inside,
an enticing destruction

Truth is
the sunset…
grotesque silhouettes
blending slowly
with the
darkness of dusk
left behind
a spark of light
cause’ now
you’re the candle
you’re the vision…

© 2020 | Prerna |


White lights pouring
the tulle does gleam
sweaty toes and
glossy shoes,
wooden floor beneath

Hands rising,
up in the air
as graceful as they could be
and swirling the air above;
blending in
the scent of,
the sweetest of roses

And oh,
my legs do slip
like butter
on the floor
spanning like compass,
sketching a circle
on the floor
which envies my grace

Jaws drop
eyes pop
audience amazed
a maneuver
interlaced with perfection
a manifestation
of how flaws
embellish grace

© 2020 | Prerna |


I stare at the key;
key to the caged me,
which yearns to explore
the blue yonder
where it is meant to be
Magnificent it is;
a constant reminder
of my triviality,
passes down a look of pity
with its nuances of artistry
An easily forgivable treachery.

But oh the key lies there,
far away from my reach
and I’ll have to break free
For how can something
which is not a part of me;
which is foreign to me
have the power to stop me?

The cage
now a battlefield
tests the capacity
of a soul
fueled with perseverance
and quest for knowledge
Alas! it could not hold in
my shooting aspirations

And thus, I broke free
of the coldness
in the confinement
A warm flurry of wind
beneath my wings
to revive the curiosity
to revive those dreams…

Off I reached
straight for the sky
Yes! this is what
freedom feels like.
When I can explore;
When I can experience;
When I can interact

to discover myself
and correct my course
I am free…

© 2020 | Prerna |

The Soul of Flame

Photo clicked by © Prerna

O dear, be like the flame

one with inner peace and tranquility

that those who try to shatter

will get shattered themselves

in the radiance of your eternal soul…

Grow more every moment

more than before

don’t forget your roots

you will flicker at times

you will lose your sanity;

lose the permanence

but don’t lose hope…

Let your aura announce

the presence of a dazzling soul

with an inevitable influence

of warmth and compassion

for all those who are, and are not

familiar with your true self…

After adjusting the brightness and contrast of the image, you can see the beautiful aura around the flame. Certainly, a lot of things go unnoticed!

© 2020 | Prerna |

Swaying with the wind…


Photo challenge: weathered

This picture reflects such a strong message. It calms the ever-chattering mind and gives so much peace and solace; pacifies the soul and fills it with sobriety. The trees swaying with the wind convey that sometimes we must let go of things which disturb our inner peace. At certain times, we must refrain from being a rebel and just go with the flow. We will definitely alleviate; time heals the pain of grief. We just need to synchronize with it and let ourselves loose; not bonding with the complexity.

Another message is that, people who are great and noble-minded do not show off their worth or rank. They are humble and can easily bend, for good and betterment. Just like those tall trees who bow without shame, while the short ones are as stiff as pole, desperately trying to make themselves more conspicuous. People who are for-bearing and forgiving do not have to grasp attention, their deeds and righteousness is evident.

Have a nice day 😊

~Prerna @besondersite

Pitter patter…


The raindrop that feels cool on your face has gone through a lot of heat and pressure. It has survived the storms of distress and suppression, but still remains pure and clear. It is only because of the heat, that the raindrop has discovered new realms and colors of the universe.

These storms are a complimentary and unwanted item in every one’s plate of life. It’s how we embrace them and change the odds into evens, while still maintaining our original form.

“We will appreciate the brightness only when we face the darkness”



~Have a nice day 🙂

 Prerna @besondersite

Lessons from ‘water’ 🌊

Image result for water wallpaper

Water is the elixir of life. It represents the soul of an ideal human, beautifully and artfully. We already know the characteristics and properties of water but have we ever looked out for the deeper meaning?

~Water dissolves most of the substances in it. It is a universal solvent.

One should embrace all the positivity and let all the negativity be the residue. We should accept people the way they are. Molding people according to our ways destroy their own essence and beauty.

~Pure water is transparent and crystal clear.

This tells us to have pure and magnanimous heart as well as soul. Having a hidden face or personality can have deleterious effects and break the trust of loved ones.

~Water is unconfined and flows fluently

One must learn to let go off things that are disturbing and make one restless. Keep the life smooth and easy. Forgetting the past and moving on helps a lot to make you live in the present.

~Stagnant water attracts diseases

Halted situations or circumstances may have adverse consequences as well as an unhealthy environment.

~Water takes the shape of it’s container

One cannot always rule their idea or opinion. We must learn to adjust to the situation sometimes, if it’s not in our favor.

~Water is tasteless, colorless, odorless and shapeless

Simplicity is always appreciated as it reduces complications in life.

We should be like water. Having a philanthropic personality that soothes everybody, makes the life of a human more meaningful and fruitful.

~~~~~~”Empty your mind and be formless like water”~~~~~~