
The sun is the body
which sustains the life and existence.
Before this humongous sphere of raging fire,
you learn the value of love and sacrifice
and the power of forgiving and forgetting;
to let go of the negativity which pulls you back,
and rise again to your true spirit!

The moon is the soul
of the night sky;
spreading the message of sobriety and humility;
not blinding you with its brightness,
but adding luster to the plain and lifeless,
with its subtle and soothing glow.
Yes! clouds do come often to overshadow,
but nothing can dim the light that shines from within…

The stars reflect your attitude
to shine amidst the darkness and ambiguity.
It ain’t no matter how small or big you seem to be;
face the challenges and
just keep twinkling…

~Prerna (meaning: inspiration😊) @besondersite

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